


Project no. POCI-02-0752-FEDER-043560


Project designation: Consolidation of Lourofood’s international presence


Support under the Incentive System


Main Objective: Strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs


Intervention Region: North


Beneficiary Entity: Lourofood Lda


Approval date: 01/08/2019


Start date: 30/07/2019


Completion date: 30/06/2023


Eligible total cost: 289.050,00 euro


Co-financing of the European Union: FEDER-130.072,50 euros


Strategic objectives:

OE1) Bet on the digitization and integration of the company with the strategy of Industry 4.0, ensuring its competitiveness and sustained growth;

OE2) Opening of new export channels through the bet and reinforcement of critical competitiveness factors (quality, differentiation and marketing);

OE3) Prospecting of new markets reinforcing the internationalization strategy and betting on differentiating factors with the market.

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